What to expect when you arrive at NoHo First UMC
Our traditional service starts Sunday at 10:30AM in the main sanctuary. We are a casual congregation so wear what you like and come prepared to be welcomed into our church community. You are invited to park in the South Parking (click for google maps for directions) lot and enter through the gate at the West end of the parking lot by the drive way. We share out campus with The Wesley School so don’t be confused when you see a sign for the school by the driveway.
We have a beautiful fountain courtyard where you can relax until the service starts or make your way into the beautiful air conditioned sanctuary. You will find a a greeter who will give you a bulletin for the service. You are invited to stay after the service for our coffee fellowship and have coffee, cold drinks and snacks.
Please make sure to send us an email to admin@nohofumc.org if you would like to be added to our text reminder or eblast to receive information on our upcoming events. Also, you can use this QR code to follow us on social media or watch our online service.
Blessing, NoHo First UMC